
Archive for September, 2011

It was a Spring day of perfect weather that made a first grader smile with delight. I thought for sure my sister and I would play outside until dinner when we got home from school that day, instead our lives led us to someplace different.

Our cat was stuck in a neighbors garage, and we frantically tried freeing it. My Mom asked my sister and I to cross the street to her best friends house, and try to rally some help. In my little first grade head this seemed urgent. My sister, three and a half years older than me, walked with me to the cross walk, and pressed the button.

We anxiously waited. As the light was about to turn red, I darted out with urgency. What I didn’t see was the car coming around the corner. What I didn’t hear was my sister yelling for me to stop.

Then just like that I was out of my body.

It seemed natural. Not scary. It was as if I had been out of it many times prior. I looked down to the commotion below me. paramedics at the scene in a drop of a hat since the accident took place feet away from a fire station. I remember thinking how interesting it was to see so many people worried and distressed when clearly I was ok. I was above, feeling alive, and well…normal. I also noticed the large see through doom that I was enveloped in. Large tall angels taking care of my broken body that seemed at the time to be more of a drag to wear as a free spirit, then a sadness that I wasn’t in there. The sight of the angels seemed “normal” as well. So much so, I just moved on. Why stay to watch something that didn’t seem to faze me? What did seem interesting was that glowing/loving light that seemed to scatter all around me until I was one with it.

Suddenly in euphoria I wasn’t sure where to start, all I knew was I belonged there, and I never wanted to leave. The thought of going back to my body wasn’t even in my mind, and if someone had mentioned I had to, I would fight it. I saw amazing huge structures open up to the sky, colors, acres of greens, other people like me all looking the same age of 30, and found out quite quickly that I talked the same language as they do over there–telepathy. The great thing about this is even if you lived a life in Japan, African, or Iraq your earthly language doesn’t matter. Reading minds doesn’t translate, it just comes. I thought it was cool that I could gather information in an instant. The odd part was it was completely silent with thousands of other souls around, however I never ever felt more love in my life. EVER.

It took me years of re-remembering small items in this experience, but the one thing that has stood since day one was the love of the light, and the angels. I have since recalled watching my life review as it was a tv show standing on thin air, and the message I believe God sent home with me which is “What have you done for your fellow-man”. I hear this message constantly like a broken record in my head. A message I never spoke of until sitting in a sound stage for a recent show featuring my story. A message I thought most would never believe but the absolute soul reason I became a Social Worker and a Teacher.

I send to you this message that I have lived, and carried for thirty years– there is a Heaven, there is a God, and your answer to your everything is within. When you don’t trust yourself within, seek up, and trust him.

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